Joining the club and staying in touch

It’s all very informal! There’s no membership fee and no forms to fill in, so you don’t have to ‘join’ the club as such.
We have a club mailing list which is used for monthly news, results, etc. (about 2-3 messages per month), so if you want to be added to that, please let Kevin know (Kevin.Church ‘at’ Once you know what’s going on, you’re free to join in.
We have an additional mailing list for the weekly fartlek and interval sessions (mentioned on the Club activities page). Again, if you want to be added to that list, please let Kevin know.
Club Officials
The OU Running Club is affiliated to the OU Club. Our officials are:
- Kevin Church – President
- Rachel Dell – Secretary
- Deborah Mannion – Treasurer
- Lunchtime race organiser – Kevin Church
- Annual Relay Race organiser – Kevin Church
- October Tour organiser – Kevin Church
We offer the following club activities:

Monthly races: We run either 5k, 5m or 10k lunchtime races usually on the middle Wednesday of each month (apart from October when we do them all in the week!). At the moment runners time themselves and usually set off in two groups (one slower, one faster) a few minutes apart. Further details can be found via the ‘Race diary’ tab. The race routes are detailed on the home page.
We also have a virtual option running through each month to enable OU staff and students off site to participate. All runners submit their times online and these get published at the end of each month.
Weekly fartlek and interval sessions: These alternate on Wednesday lunchtimes when there isn’t a monthly lunchtime race. Details below.
Fartlek session: Wednesday lunchtime at 12.30pm around a 10k route. This group usually run 1, 2 and 3 minute efforts with recoveries in between. The faster runners loop back to re-join the slower runners after each ‘effort’, so no one gets left behind.
Weekly interval session: Wednesday lunchtime (again at 12.30) around the Woughton football pitches adjacent to the OU campus. Runners can maintain their own pace as everyone starts and finishes at the same point after each interval, so the faster runners just do more efforts.
Both the fartlek and interval session groups use the same mailing list, so please drop us a line if you want to be added to this.
OU Tour: All three distances in one week in October (10k on Monday, 5k on Wednesday and 5m on Friday). Virtual participants are still welcome, but be prepared to complete your runs across the five days (as doing them all in a short time period is part of the challenge).

Relay Race: Usually run in May, this is a large lunchtime event with teams of four each running a 1.1 mile course.

Festive run: The last working Wednesday lunchtime of the year. A social 6.5k run at the pace of the slowest runner. Santa hats and festive attire are encouraged.
Running with Us
Open to All
The OU Running Club shares the open to all ethos of the Open University, so do come and join us for one of our monthly lunchtime races. You do not need to work at the OU, or be a member of the Club to participate. We offer a friendly welcome, free parking and good changing facilities.
Race declaration
The organisers would like to remind you that you enter club races at your own risk and that they will in no way be liable for any injury before, during or after the event.
By particpating in club events, you are agreeing to abide by the following declaration:
I understand and agree that I participate in the event entirely at my own risk and that no responsibility whatsoever shall attach to any persons involved in the organisation of the event for any injury, accidents, loss or damage suffered by me in, or by reason of the event, however such may be caused. I am healthy and have no KNOWN medical conditions.
A Brief history of running at The Open University
Quite who were the first runners at the Open University after its formation in 1969 is unclear but what is certain is that by the mid 1970s there was, coincident with the running boom of that time, a sizeable group of lunchtime runners. The words ‘12.20 at the Pavilion’ were no doubt by then in widespread use. Unquestionably the location of the University campus in the Ousel Valley Park and close to the Grand Union canal towpaths provided every incentive for staff to relieve the stresses and strains of working life with some lunchtime exercise.
The first organised running events were monthly handicap races where runners started at different times ” slowest first and fastest last. The first recorded race took place in 1979 with about a dozen participants and was organised by Chas Kendall. The first finisher picked up the stopwatch and recorded the finish times for all those following. Chas Kendall’s races continued monthly until 1983 when they ceased.
The baton was picked up again by John Gillespie in February 1987 and followed the format used by Chas with monthly races over 3 miles (later to change to 5 km), 5 miles and 7 miles. Typically there would be about 30 participants reflecting all standards. Soon numbers increased dramatically as not only OU participation increased but word spread outside the campus. Runners from Abbey National, TSB, Parcelforce, Siemens, EDS Scicon, Universal Records not to mention Milton Keynes AC regularly took part and it was not uncommon for fields of over 60 to do battle.
As numbers increased the range of events was broadened. An annual ‘Tour’ was introduced incorporating all three regular distances into one week of racing. There was no handicapping and the times for the three races were accumulated to determine a winner. Soon there was competition across the full range of age/gender categories and the OU Runners gathered together a not inconsiderable collection of trophies for award to the winners.
The Tour was soon followed by an annual relay pitting against each other teams from University units and outside. Teams comprised four runners of which at least one member had to be female. The relay leg was 1.1 miles in distance and the requirement for a female member soon resulted in boosting the number of ladies running regularly. By 2000 the relay was firmly established in the OU running calendar with over 50 teams, i.e. over 200 runners regularly taking part.
Alongside the races informal weekly training sessions were being organised usually comprising a mixture of fartlek training, interval training and hill sessions. OU runners were regularly participating in external events with a sizeable group undertaking each year’s London Marathon.
All of this activity had been informal but by the mid-2000’s it was clear that the runners would need to organise themselves into a formal running club within the structure of the Open University Club. This would provide ‘member’ benefits such as insurance cover and provide the Club itself with funding to purchase trophies and other equipment. So a club was formed, officers elected and a constitution adopted.
In 2008 and approaching retirement John Gillespie passed over the responsibility of organising the monthly handicaps to Nicky Moss with Joe Devlin and Jeff Lewis helping with the Relay and the Tour. New race routes were introduced to provide monthly races over a series of 5 km, 5 miles and 10 km distances. And so the story goes on with regular racing and training opportunities available to encourage staff to enjoy the OU running experience into the future.